One of the many different types of items we offer from Good Directions is the "rain chain," which appears in different styles in our Patio, Yard & Garden Decor section. They can be stylish and attention-getting pieces that streamline water flow around the exterior of your home. But what exactly do they do? If you've never used one of these before, you can click on individual product pages in this section to see photos of them in action.
Simply put, rain chains attach to the gutter system you use to concentrate water into a single downward gush that passes through the several interlocking "links." In addition to this practical use, these chains also provide a fun spectacle to watch as the water passes smoothly through them. Since they stretch 6 feet long, you can hang them from the end of the downspout to the ground.
Like some of our other outdoor decor items, the different images here help to add a bit of personality to the home and vary from simple (metal rings and chain links) to themed (fish, flowers, umbrellas and even wine bottle shapes). Choose from polished or Blue Verde copper based on which color looks better on your property.